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No Sew Lace Up Shirt


I’ve been seeing lace-up shirts everywhere lately. And when you start seeing something everywhere and you are a DIY blogger then it is only your duty to create said item. In this case, a lace up shirt. 

These shirts are super easy to make and do not involve any sewing cause ain’t nobody got time for that. I wish I knew how to sew complex items, but alas, my sewing abilities end at a running stitch. Even then Rose will be laughing at the shoddy job I did. Oops! Thank goodness for fabric glue! The real star of this no sew lace up shirt is the fabric glue. No no sew project would be complete without it!



  1. Start by drawing out a V on the neck of your t-shirt.
  2. Cut out the V.
  3. Trim your ribbon with the holes in it down so it is the size of the length of one side of the V. Do this with the other side of the V.
  4. Dot your fabric glue onto one side of the ribbon, making sure to not go past the holes.
  5. Press the ribbon down onto the V – making sure the holes are not covered.
  6. Let dry for 24 hours.
  7. Taking your plain black ribbon, lace up the V going in and out of the holes.
  8. Once you are at the top you can trim the excess ribbon and glue it down using the fabric glue.


Yay for easy, no sew projects! Also yay for DIY projects you can actually use/wear! Let us know in the comments below if you try this project and happy no sewing!

Click here to find some other simple and fun clothing DIYs!

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