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Ugly Christmas Sweater Garland & Gift Tags


It doesn’t quite feel like Christmas until you see your first ugly Christmas sweater. They have been out in full force this year. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good ugly sweater. In fact I’ve always wanted to throw an ugly Christmas sweater party just so I have an excuse to buy one (like this one or this one or this). What’s not to love? Tinsel, pom-poms, bells, Christmas sayings! Give me all of it! The tackier the better. In order to get a little ugly into our holiday we created this ugly Christmas sweater garland, which also can work as funny gift tags for your presents. It’s probably even more fun than just going out and buying a Christmas sweater because you get to fill your own sweater with whatever tacky items your heart desires. To make these sweaters, you will need to rummage through your craft supplies and pull out any random bits and bobs that you have, such as pipe cleaners, bells, ribbon, felt, string, anything! You will also need craft paper. We found a stencil online by just Google searching sweater outline and then traced that onto white paper and cut it out. Next, we traced our stencil on some grey cardstock. We did this a couple of times to get the number of sweaters we wanted. Now is the fun part – to decorate! Each of our sweaters have different decorations on them. For some we outlined the sweaters with patterned scrapbook paper. Others, we traced a Santa or Reindeer image from online and then colored them in on the sweaters. For the wreath we used a silver pipe cleaner and glued it to the center of the sweater and added a bow to it. We also stamped on some of the sweaters. It is really up to you how ugly you want to make your sweater! We also made some smaller ugly sweaters using the same process for gift tags. These gift tags add a fun and festive flare to any present! Plus they are super easy and enjoyable to make. Once we started, we couldn’t stop making them and are still having ideas on what would be silly to add to them!Bonus points – bring an ugly Christmas sweater gift tag to your next ugly Christmas sweater party! 

Now tell us – have you gone to an ugly Christmas sweater party? Do you like ugly sweaters or are you over it? What would you decorate your ugly sweater with?


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