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What I Ate Wednesday


Hello! How’s it going? Hope everyone is having a splendid week so far. We just got back from a quick little visit to our college town. It was weird but also a lot of fun to be back in Saratoga Springs (we went to Skidmore college). It seemed to be a lot colder than I remembered, but we made up for it by eating lots of soup and other yummy things. Speaking of food and yummy things, I am here to share what I ate yesterday. Keep on reading if you want to know!

Breakfast: Greek yogurt with pomegranates, banana, strawberries, and granola. I’m so excited that pomegranates are in season! They add the perfect crunch and sweetness to my breakfast. I topped this with the original ancient grain granola from Purely Elizabeth. I love this stuff; it is too good.

 Lunch: Quinoa and kale salad with roasted veggies and chips and hummus on the side. We did some meal prep on Sunday and roasted up cauliflower, carrots, sweet potato, zucchini, and yellow squash as well as making some quinoa to throw into salads for the week. This spicy yellow lentil hummus is super delicious and also super spicy for my delicate mouth. I drank two full water bottles after this lunch because my mouth was on fire!

Snack: Kind peanut butter and dark chocolate bar. Gotta have something to keep the hunger away between lunch and dinner and it’s just an added bonus that it has some peanut butter and chocolate in it 😉

Dinner: Crisp kale and brussels sprout tacos with avocado and white bean creama These tacos are freaking delicious! We’ve had them before – in fact this is an old picture as it gets dark at 4pm here and that means weird shadows and odd looking food. I could eat these tacos for days, the white bean creama is excellent and the brussels yum! I’m already excited to have these again as leftovers.

Dessert: Tea with a cookie. As it gets colder all I want is tea tea and more tea. In fact, not pictured are the 3 cups of tea I drank between lunch and dinner (I have a problem). You’d think I would be too water logged to want even more tea after all that but nope bring on the tea (and pee)! This tea is my absolute favorite and I went on a wild goose chase trying to find it in stores. Luckily once I found it I stocked up. These cookies are amazing. They are chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips in them yum yum yum.

Mmm that is all I have to share with you today. What have you guys been munching on late at night when you know you should go to bed? Anything you love to eat once the weather gets a bit cooler? Do you have any favorite holiday teas you like to drink?  I’d love to know; comment below!

As always, thank you Peas and Crayons and Clean Eats, Fast Feets for hosting!

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