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Happy Halloween: Candy Corn Popcorn


Happy Halloween! Can you believe it’s already Halloween 2015?! And if you’re like us, then you’re currently wondering what you’re going to do with all that extra candy corn that you bought because it is oh so pretty but you really can’t eat that much of it.Plus you’re way too busy trying to finish all those Reese’s and Kit Kats that were “accidently” left over from trick-or-treaters….

We have just the treat for you that will use up all your leftover candy corn. This candy corn popcorn is the perfect after Halloween treat for grown ups (and kids!) to help you ease out of the Snickers and Reese’s sugar coma.

It is light, fluffy, and full of bits of candy corn! What isn’t to like??

Also, with all the new and wacky candy corn flavors they seemed to have out this year, you could really create quite the treat. Did anyone see the peanut butter candy corn that they were selling this year?? Am I the only one who has never seen that before?? If you tried it, please comment and let me know whether it was good or not! I really wanted to try it but didn’t feel like I should buy the entire bag before it is too late…

Anyways, so to help you use up those cute little candy corns you bought, we came up with this recipe for candy corn popcorn. It’s not too sweet and not too sticky and so so good!

Serves: 2  Time: 10-15 minutes


How to make:

  1. Pop the popcorn using your method of choice (we used an air popper)
  2. Line a baking sheet with wax paper and spread the popped popcorn over it. The wax paper is important because the melted candy corn will get stuck to anything else and be hard to toss together.
  3. In a small pot on the stove, melt together the candy corn with the milk. Keep stirring occasionally (I used a spatula) until the mixture starts to bubble and look frothy. Then add the coconut oil.
  4. Keep stirring until well incorporated – it will look oily around the edges but the orange candy corn mixture will be smooth looking (about 5 minutes)
  5. Drizzle the mixture on the popcorn and start tossing immediately to incorporate. Use a bowl and a spatula or two spatulas at first since the melted candy corn will be hot!
  6. Sprinkle extra broken up candy corn pieces in for good measure!


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